Years of manufacture : 1972 – 1979
Engine : V 8 – cylindrée de 2/2,5/3 litres
Power : 182/220/250 HP
Max. speed : 220 – 250 km/h
Number of pieces : 780 (les trois séries)
With the Urraco, Ferruccio Lamborghini intended to build a more economical sports car that was in the same price range as the Porsche.
The Coupé 2+2 line, presented in 1970, another whim of Nuccio Bertone, was designed for the engine with a new 8-cylinder engine, launched on the market first with a displacement of 2.5 liters and later (in 1974 ) with 3 liters, while a 2 liter V8 was also offered for the Italian market.
Initially Lamborghini planned an annual production of 2,000 vehicles but, from 1972, only 780 Urraccos, including 520 of the P 250 version, 194 of the P 300 model and 66 P 200 for Italy, were sold in ten years.