Identification of the site publisher
Company : | Garage R.Affolter |
Postal address: | Le Voyeboeuf 3A, 2900 Porrentruy |
Head office: | Le Voyeboeuf 3A, 2900 Porrentruy |
Phone Number : | +41 32 466 40 44 |
Email address: | |
Registered with the RCS under SIREN: | |
SIRET : | |
APE code: | |
Share capital: | |
Individual VAT identification number: | |
Director of publication: | M. Roland Affolter |
Legal responsible: | M. Roland Affolter |
Creation of the site
Company : | Agence Wazacom |
Website address: | |
Postal address: | 3 rue des Prés Rouges, 25870 Geneuille FRANCE |
Phone Number : | +33 3 81 87 65 98 |
Email address: | |
Registered with the RCS under SIREN: | 503 317 661 |
SIRET : | 503 317 661 00042 |
APE code: | 7311Z |
Share capital: | 5000 € |
Individual VAT identification number: | FR 70 503 317 661 |
Legal responsible: | Stéphane GAIFFE |
Website hosting
Company : | OVH |
Postal address: | 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix FRANCE |
Phone Number : | 0 820 698 765 |
Registered with the RCS under SIREN: | 424 761 419 |
SIRET : | 424 761 419 00045 |
APE code: | 6202A |
Share capital: | 10 000 000 € |
Individual VAT identification number: | FR 22 424 761 419 |
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Photo and video credits: Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Company & Garage R.AFFOLTER Lamborghini Porrentruy
Icons : Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Company