Year of manufacture: 1968 – 1978
Engine: V 12 – 4 liter displacement
Power: 325/350 HP
Max. speed : 245/260 km/h
Number of pieces: 1227 (the three series)
Espada became Lamborghini’s best-seller from 1968 to 1978.
This 4-seater designed and built by Carrozzeria Bertone, welcomes the whole family and takes all their luggage, effortlessly reaching a maximum speed of 250 km/h.
Depending on the version, the 12-cylinder 4-liter engine develops between 325 and 350 hp and is also appreciated for its sound and power.
With 1,227 models produced – and since 1974 also available with a Chrysler 3-speed automatic transmission – the Espada was the financial backbone of the company for eleven years.