At the end of the afternoon of October 5, 1879, after a fierce fight in the bullring of Córdoba, a bull named Murciélago from the Joaquín del Val di Navarra stud farm was spared by the famous matador Rafael Molina “Lagartijo”.
This was a very rare event in bullfighting and an honor bestowed only on those bulls who demonstrated exceptional courage and spirit in the arena. And Murciélago was indeed such a bull.
He was then given to breeder Antonio Miura and spawned a formidable line of fighting bulls that extends to the present day. The bull has always been a symbol of power, aggression and courage: characteristics shared by all Lamborghini brand cars.
In depictions of bullfighting, the bull and the matador together form an iconic unit, an antithetical combination of brute force and elegance. And it is this symbiosis of violence and beauty that makes the bullfighting spectacle so fascinating.
In the context of the arena, the bull’s indomitable spirit becomes a deadly combination of agility and muscular strength, which must be overcome by the matador’s grace and skill.